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ATHIVIDAYAM / Aconitum heterophyllum / INDIAN ATIS

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Indian Atees is a perennial herb, 1-4 ft tall, distinguished by its rather large greenish-purple, prominently darker-veined flowers, and its coarsely toothed but otherwise entire leaves. Flowers are 2.5-3 cm across, usually in lax, spike-like clusters with very variable bracts which are either small linear, small ovate, or large ovate and enclosing the lower part of the flower and fruit. They are hooded, rounded, broader than long. Leaves are ovate-heart-shaped to rounded, 4-8 cm, the upper ones stem-clasping, all with large rounded teeth. Lowest leaves are deeply lobed and long-stalked. At higher altitudes, sometimes plants are smaller in size. Seed pods are 1.6-1.8 cm, shortly hairy, erect. Indian Atees is found in the Himalayas, from Pakistan to C. Nepal, at altitudes of 2400-400 m. Flowering: August-September.

Medicinal uses: Warning: Unverified information The dried root of Indian Atees is the part which is believed to have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anti-periodic, aphrodisiac, astringent properties according to Ayurveda.


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